Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So lets start with Feb 10th. Well we both had to work so it was not like we did much. I made Kevin a book that had many good moments in it. From November to the Super bowl. It was not very long but he liked it. We then had Denny and Brittney Green come over for a Jazz game. They lost. But it was still way fun. It was nice to just hangout with the kids and not worry about anything. Sometimes that's the best in life. (right) So Saturday we got up, Kevin played church ball, I went to a work meeting and then we both ended up at home together again. We had planned to go to the DI. Which is always fun. First we went to Lunch at Denny's. Not bad for a quick bite. Then we went to the Di. We got Kevin's mom a TV for 15 bucks. What a steal. (lol) then we just came back and took a nap. I got on pintrest and that never happens so I was happy. We then got ready to go out to Dinner to the Cheesecake factory. I love it. So good. We drive all the way down and it's a 2 hour wait. I am like are you kidding me. We didn't care. We waited anyways. Your friends Lorrta and Shane came with us. They have never been so they wanted to come also. We walked around the fashion point mall and had some chocolate and got our hands all cleaned for a place called Body Bath. (I think), So it's time to go check in and see where we are at with the dinner thing. They said like 45 more min, Yay. We went to the North Face store. (I so wanted anything from there.) It's a very nice and expensive store. Walked out empty handed. We were able to eat and it was so GOOD. Oh I loved it. Our friends enjoyed there time also. The food was great. Kevin and I got a cheesecake and than then came out and sung to us. Yay I love it when people sing to me. I love it. So much fun. We all had a great time at dinner. Worth the wait for sure. I am so lucky to Have a wonderful husband to treat me to my favorite place. Thank you Babe!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting us tag along on your anniversary dinner. :) It was fun!
