Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Girls

So Kallie is 18 months old. She is learning so much from Kanyon it's so cute. The two of them just are best friends. They play together and kiss and hug, just so fun right now. I am lucky to have 2 wonderful girls. I was looking back and I was thinking man did Kanyon say that at Kallie's age, or was Kanyon doing that? I wish I had more tapes of the Kanyon as a baby. I feel like we do, as I was looking back, but I don't think we did. I am going to try and get Kanyon and Kallie on tape more. I don't want to sit and watch there life grow up so fast. Its sad to see that my little baby is not a baby anymore. I miss that. I love my Kids so much. They are the thing that really keeps me going everyday. And my day has been starting at 7. Not so happy about that, but I would not trade my cuddle time for anything. Kanyon loves to learn. She is learning so much at preschool. She really enjoys it. She is learning about science. Its' her favorite thing. She will ask every night, I need science to take to school. It's fun. She keeps asking about going to a farm, so I think this spring we will take her to a farm. She will love it. Kallie is now in Nursery, she did pretty well on Sunday. She does better if Kevin drops he off and not me. I don't know why that is. Kanyon loves to read books and say her prayers. She is starting to just say the same things over, we are trying to teach her to pray for something different every night. It's so fun helping our kids learn and grow, what a great blessing it is. I just love them so much. I thank my Heavenly Father so many times a day for blessing me with two beautiful girls. Kevin and I are very lucky to have them, as well as each other. What would life be with no KIDS!


  1. I need to meet your littlest one!

  2. You're such a great mom, Kim. :) My kids are always up by 7:00, too. Cuddle time is the best.
