Monday, April 5, 2010


So last week we went for my check up, everything looks great and baby is growing well and fast. Our Doctor asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We said yes very excited to know. (Kevin already knew) I had my thoughts, but yes we wanted to know. So he Say's it's a BOY. ( Kevin was right) I said are you sure. (I really already new) He said I am so sure it's a boy. So there you go. We will be having a little boy in September. We have thought of a few names, but nothing has been set in stone yet! We are doing names that start with K. If any ideas feel free to share.
So far this PREGNANCY has been easy, I am starting to get a little Belly again. I forgot how it feels to feel the baby move it is AWESOME. I do enjoy being pregnant. We are very blessed that everything is going well for us.
We are also very EXCITED that all the girls that are pregnant are having boys as well. So there will be three new grandson by the end of the year. A total of 4 boys and 6 girls. Very exciting.

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