Thursday, January 27, 2011

My girls

So we got Kanyon potty trained. She is doing so well. I love it. So much better. She just woke up one day and said she needed to go potty. I took her and every day sense then she has gone. She is just really smart and willing to learn. She sure has been growing up a lot theses past few weeks. It's so fun. She can count to 10, and knows her ABC's. The other day I took her to the tree house museum she loved it. She was so good and loved playing with new toys. I had fun as well. She sure is busy little girl.
Kallie is also doing good. She is now eating baby food, and really seems to like it. She likes apple sauce and Banana's. She is not sleeping at night still, but that's ok, she will one day. Other then that she rolls over, talks a lot, and is pretty happy most days. Kanyon just loves to help with everything I do. She wants to be her mom. Kanyon is funny, sometimes she will do something bad and always blame's it on Kallie. Looks like we got that to deal with when they get older. They are cute together though. I love having 2 girls. So much fun.

1 comment:

  1. yay for Kanyon! That's a huge step to learn the potty. I'm jealous. I wish Jaycee would pick up on it.
