Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sprinkler System

When Kevin and I bought this house there was a few things it didn't come with. A fence, so last SUMMER Kevin built me a fence for BOONE. Then he said this summer he was going to put in a SPRINKLER system. I said we could go without one. I would water the lawn. Well I didn't win that BATTLE. So he started putting it together at the first of summer. It takes a lot of time when you do things your self, and it cost a lot of MONEY.
So Kevin has worked really hard to get the sprinkler system done. The front yard is done. It works great. Kevin has done a lot of work in the back yard. He has tilled up most the back lawn to make it more even. We have not had nice
GREEN grass on the side of our yard since we moved in. We got our SOD and Kevin laid it all out, It looks great and is so nice to sit on grass. I am very EXCITED to see what the whole back yard will look like. Kevin said he will get it all done by Aug 28Th. I know he will. He has worked so hard to get it our yard looking nice. I know when it gets done we both will be very pleased with the SPRINKLER system. I am happy after all I didn't win the BATTLE!

I am also so lucky to have a great husband who can do anything. I wonder what I did to deserve a great HUSBAND!

1 comment:

  1. It's really nice to have a husband that is so handy. I am sure you saved a lot of money by having Kevin do the lawn and sprinklers instead of paying professionals to come and do it.
