Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hospital= Sent home

So on Friday night, I went walking into WALMART feeling some contractions, not bad. I got the few things I needed and was on my way home when I felt another one, so this time I timed it. They were coming every FIVE min apart. I wait till I felt like it was time.
Well about 9:00 it was time, so I called Kevin's parents and told them what was going on. I then called KEVIN and told him to leave work and meet us at the hospital. They got here fast and we drove to the HOSPITAL. We got all checked in and waited them to tell me what was going on. I was still DILATED to a 3+ and still 70% EFFACED. So nothing had changed. I felt dumb being there. It is still a few weeks early so they wanted to give me SHOTS to stop the contractions. I had to have three very painful shots. It did work though. So I ended up have a bladder INFECTION and that was causing me to have contractions. So in the long run it was good I went up to the hospital.( Sometimes you just never know)
The baby is doing fine, but just kinda small at this point. We are not ready to see HER for at least 2 more weeks.

On the brighter side of things my BIG brother Chris and his Wife Jordan had their first child Friday night. They had a little boy, named him CARTER LEE PENMAN. he was a big baby, 8 pounds 8 ounces. 20 inches long. Mother and BABY are doing great. I can't wait to get to ST. GEORGE and see this new little baby of their's.


  1. That's weird that a bladder infection causes contractions. I'm glad you are doing well though. And I will have to come see you when the little one comes :)

  2. Well that's a scare! Gosh! Glad it all worked out! If you need me, call me! :)

  3. Congrats to your brother and can't wait for your lil girly!!
