Friday, September 24, 2010

I do know...

So like a week ago I went to take Kallie in for her 2 week check up. The doctor told me to feed her every 2 hours, yeah I was not going to do that. I was going to do it my way and that was that. I felt like if I feed her every 2 hours I would never sleep, she would throw up more and nothing would help, I would have tons of milk and it would hurt. So I told Kevin I will feed Kallie when she is ready and I will pump if I have to. So as the week goes on, I feed her like 3 to 4 hours and it has been great. She is much happier with that, and sleeps fine. So yesterday I take her back into the doctor and she weights 6 pounds and 5 ounces. She had gained like 5 ounces in that one week, The doctor said I was doing everything right. I wanted her to tell me that over and over again. or I wanted to say "yes that's right I am a good mother and I know what I am doing." So walking out of the room I was very happy with myself and I felt like what I was doing was great. We don't have to go back for 2 months.
I think as mothers sometimes we know what is best for our children, sometimes better then the doctor knows. That's why we have children, because we know them better then anyone. That's just how I feel about it.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!!! My dr was telling me I needed to cut out the formula and just nurse him and I just tossed that out the window. Jackson wouldn't eat. Then finally today he said you're doing the right thing. You just aren't producing enough milk.....WELL DUH! I could have told you that a month ago dork!!!
